Shout Outs & Tumblr Tips

Suddenly I’ve been getting a lot of asks for shout outs so I figured I would just share my (probably) unpopular (and extensive) thoughts about it.

For me a shout out is something you earn. You build a quality blog with high standards that I enjoy, and in turn I share it with my followers who (hopefully) value my opinion. If I just do it just because you asked, then it becomes pointless. I had no idea this was a thing until now, so I’ll probably shout some of my favourite blogs soon.

Also I do want to see every furry blogger succeed in converting innocent tumblr souls, so here’s a few (rant) pointers for those that are either starting or want to take their blog to the next level:

1) Name / Theme – Pick a name you like just as long as it’s unique so people will remember it later. Choosing something with “furry” or “gay” might seem useful at first but soon users will confuse “furrygayxxx” with “furryxxxgay” and “gayxxxfurry”. Choosing the right tumblr theme is also important. Depending on what you’re offering, make it a simple and easy experience for the follower and not just what you think is pretty. Consider having a custom theme to set you apart from the other blogs.

2) Differentiate – Why did you make a furry blog? Is it just a place you store your porn, or do you feel that other furry blogs are lacking in something you can provide or do differently? If you want people to follow you, you need to give them a reason to follow you among the thousands of other canine dick blogs.
Keep it simple, different and interesting and users will actively seek your blog daily. A blog just about horses will be checked daily by users who love horses because they know you’ll give them what they want. A blog with both straight and gay porn, as well as movie gifs doesn’t appeal anyone in specific and will soon be replaced by other more refined.

3) Sourcing – If you’re posting content from websites, make sure the author is credited. Not only it’s the right thing to do, but your followers will want to know whose art they’re liking. The author’s title also makes it more interesting.
Don’t just slap an imageboard url. Do some homework. Find the source with image reverse websites like e621 or SauceNAO (for kemono) if you don’t know.

If you’re posting a photoset, make sure you source all the images. Personally I used to just post it in the blog individually followed by a photoset, but this is wrong since it only helps your followers and not those who reblog you. Some (cool) blogs add the following line for each image:


Reblog only from those who source correctly to keep a positive trend going.

4) Tagging – Might seem unnecessary, but if you want to take it to the next level, the sooner you start, the better. Followers will check you more often for new content with their favourite tags, you will get new users that search your tags on tumblr search, and above all, you will personally find anything you tag which is always useful. Only the first five tags appear on tumblr search, and more than 20 won’t show on search filters. If you have a custom theme, add a tag cloud and a search button for extra brownie points.

Make sure you tag if it’s “nsfw”/”sfw”; “male”/”female”; “gay”/”straight”; “solo”/”couple”/”threesome”; “species”; “clothed”/”nude”; other popular features like “cock”, “bdsm”, “cum”; or other unique features that might help you find the piece later on like “fur colour”, “position”; “profession” or “unique object”.

5) Image Resolution – Tumblr scales images to 540 px width. For a nice clean preview, you can scale the image by multiplying that magnitude (540px, 1080px, 1620px, etc..). If the aspect ratio is very high on one side (panoramic or tall portrait) there is nothing you can do unless you crop it to something more square-like.

6) Followers / Notes – You have a purpose now. Your blog is not just a porn dump. Do it for fun, keep your blog interesting and your followers will stick with you. Seek attention or go off-topic and you will disappoint or bore them sooner or later. It’s always better to have 1,000 followers that love and interact with you, than 10,000 that liked your blog that one time, and will eventually unfollow if it takes them long enough to like something again.

7) Posting at the right time – Take some time to know your followers. Programs like Google Analytics are awesome to help you know who is watching your blog. If you’re European and most of your followers are American or Canadian, then you’ll get more visibility by posting from 2 – 4 am.

8) Interact with your followers – You don’t have to, but it’s always nice to show some appreciation and give them a reason to check on you. You can either accept requests for photosets if you post mostly art, or make conversation / create mutuals if you have a fursona. Just make sure you’re not going too off-topic of what you intend to do.

Accounts being closed

Not sure if it’s the case for some of them, but lately a lot of tumblr accounts are being closed due to music copyright infringement. Tumblr has released the following message to some users:

“As outlined in previous emails, we implement a strict three-strike policy against repeat copyright infringement. Your blog has received three strikes in an 18 month period. Consequently, your account has been
terminated. In addition, any new accounts you create will also be

Since the screening is being done by bots and affects the whole history, I highly recommend everyone to delete any audio or video posts that might trigger the bot. It sucks, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. :/

Tumblr New Update

Just realized Tumblr changed the scale of all the pictures to 540 px instead of the usual 500 px. It’s nice that you get slightly bigger previews, but since most tumblr artists were working with 1000 px, It actually turned out worse for now, but I guess that’s progress.

I’ll try to resize most of the posts from now on so you don’t get that blurry feel on the dashboard pics.